San Francisco is transit first.
We encourage you to use public or alternative transit whenever possible to reduce traffic and improve overall public health and safety.
The Mission Bay Conference Center is conveniently located next to San Francisco's newest Municipal Transit line, the T-Third, connecting you to the full MUNI Metro system, Caltrain, and BART, and providing a vital link between the southeast sector of San Francisco and the rest of the city.
One fare ($2.25, one way) on the T-Third takes you to both of the ballparks (AT&T and Candlestick), City Hall, the Embarcadero, and more.
T-Third Metro Line picks up at the 4th and King Street Caltrain Station and the Embarcadero BART station. Stop: UCSF Mission Bay Station on 3rd Street opposite the campus. For Muni Information: 511 SF Bay or SFMTA
Disembark at the 16th Street Mission BART station. For Bay Area Rapid Transit Information: BART
option 1:
pick up the red line ucsf shuttle on the north-east corner of the intersection. the shuttle runs every 15 minutes and brings you to the william j. rutter center (2nd stop).
option 2:
pick up 55 muni bus line on the south-west corner of the intersection. disembark at 4th street /16th street stop. walk one block west and turn right onto owens street. mbcc will the 2nd building on the right.
Pick up the red line ucsf shuttle on the north-east corner of the intersection in front of Burger King. The shuttle runs every 15 minutes and brings you to the William J. Rutter center (2nd stop) on 4th Street. Learn more about UCSF's free shuttle bus service by visiting the Campus Life Services Transportation webite.
option 2:
Pick up 55 Muni Bus Line on the south-west corner of the intersection. Disembark at 4th Street /16th Street stop. Walk one block west and turn right onto Owens Street. MBCC will the 2nd building on the right. For Muni Information: 511 SF Bay or SFMTA
Pick up is located in cross streets of Powell Street/Market Street in front of the entrance of Westfield Mall/Bloomingdale. Take Mission Bay Shuttle West Route and Disembark at Owens St at MBCC. For Mission Bay Transportation Information: Mission Bay TMA